Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Save the date

Birdneck Point CHKD Circle's

Fall Gathering

Friday, October 3, 2008

At the home of Michelle Riggins

It's a Couples party so bring the boys!

There will be a Fun Silent Auction to raise funds for our Sunshine Fund & our Community Response Fund.

Consider inviting a friend to attend that you think would make a good addition to our circle.

This will be a great time to introduce them!

September 2008 Circle Meeting

September Circle Meeting

When : September 16, 2008 @ 6:45 PM

Where: The home of Michelle Riggins

Hostess Helpers: Tammy Vermillion, Brenda Knapp & Betsy White

Hope to see you there!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Welcome Circle Sister!

This site has been created for the Birdneck Point Circle Sisters! We hope it becomes a spot where we can stay connected on upcoming Circle events & with what is going on in each other's lives.
So don't be shy!

If you have some news share it with us!

Save this page to your favorites & check it often we will be doing updates regularly

Prayer of the Order

"Almighty God, Eternal Father, look with thy favor upon the King's Daughters and Sons and bless us for good in the land. Accept the hearty desires we bring to thee for thy service, and employ our ministrations in whatever duty we can be of greatest use. Make us everywhere true to the sign we wear, and to stand as thine handmaidens soldiers of old, by the cross of the Savior. By purity and honor and unselfish behavior may we keep ever true our allegiance to Jesus, and seek to labor not for self but for others."