Thursday, December 2, 2010

CHKD - How spreading the word can help save babies

Cast a vote, save the babies!

Help CHKD buy high-tech incubators for the region's most fragile newborns.

Please vote for CHKD three times a day until Dec. 31 in the Pepsi Refresh challenge. The organization with the most votes will win. Help CHKD help our community's children by voting, posting on your Facebook page, Twittering it, e-mailing it and asking all your friends to do the same.

Here's are the instructions:
Go to and register on the bottom left side of the page (you won’t get any junk mail from Pepsi unless you choose to opt in to their mailings). Once registered, you are ready to cast your vote to help the kids.
You can vote up to three times every day this month through the following methods:

Go to ( Search for CHKD. After voting for CHKD the first time, you can log in the next day and vote from your profile. No need to search for CHKD again.

Using your cell phone – text 104850 to Pepsi (73774).

Using Facebook, log in, search for “Pepsi Refresh Voting” (not Pepsi). Select “go to application” and then you’re ready to search/vote for CHKD. After you vote, you can “share this idea” to get others on Facebook involved.

Remember, you can vote by texting, Facebook and online on the same day. That's three votes per day.

The two organizations with the most votes at the $250,000 level win, so it is critical that we spread the word to all all our friends who care about children. Some ways that you can help include:

Encourage your children (ages 13 and over), spouse, sisters, brothers, parents, and neighbors to spread the word.

Forward this to your friends, relatives, or anyone else you know, around the country, and encourage them to vote three times each day.

Include this information in the PTA newsletter, church bulletin and the neighborhood e-mail blast.

Make this a collaborative project at work – send this email to all of your colleagues, post in the break room, and send them daily reminders to vote.

The sky is the limit! You can vote from anywhere, so invite your out-of-town friends and family to vote as well.

Thank you for your efforts to help secure $250,000 just by texting and voting online. Our entire team will be voting, and we need the community to rally around us as well to make this a success. You can make an incredible difference.

The link will take you to a flyer you can print and distribute. If you have any questions, please contact us at 757-668-7070. Thanks in advance for supporting CHKD and our efforts to keep our children healthy and happy. We can make a difference with your help.

The polls are open. Please vote and vote often.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Thanksgiving Baskets

The Birdneck Point Circle and the Staff of the Cavalier were able to put together 3 complete Thanksgiving baskets for the Access Aids Care Charity "Thanksgiving Delivered"

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Mermaid Circle Restaurant Fundraiser


WHEN: Tuesday, November 23, 2010

WHERE: Buffalo Beach
507 Hilltop Plaza Shopping Center
Virginia Beach, VA 23454
(Next to Trader Joe’s)

20% of the proceeds from the nights sales will go to support CHKD & other local children’s charities!

Buffalo Beach is a non-smoking, family-friendly restaurant.

Please come out and bring your family and friends to eat, drink, and support a wonderful cause!

Please contact Stephanie Lyon
@ 621-9645 with questions.

Christmas Party

Come Share in Some Holiday Cheer!
The Circle's Christmas  Party will be
December 3, 2010
Begins at 6pm
At the home of Bernadette Alcaraz
1506 Duke of Windsor

Bring a Bottle of Wine, a Delicious Dish,a Dirty Santa Gift and your Holiday Cheer.
Please leave all Grinch's at home :)

Transiton Homes for Hope Cornhole Tournament

Saturday, November 27th
6 - 10 pm

The Virginia Beach Field House
2157 Landstown Road w Virginia Beach, VA 23456

Registration Fee:
$25 Per Person / $40 Per Team Prior to Nov. 15th
$30 per person / $50 per Team After Nov. 15th

Register Online at

All Proceeds benefit
Transition Homes for Hope

Thanks for helping to CHANGE a woman’s life and to our sponsors!








Thursday, November 4, 2010

Turkey Dinner

Dear Circle Sisters, This Program touched my heart and I am going to do a basket.  I will be setting up a date for items to be dropped off at the Club and will keep you informed if you would like to assist me.
Since the Turkey Dead line is  November 22nd I am going to have the drop off day at the Club be November 19th for perishable items (any non perishable items can be dropped off any time between now and then)

This year please join us in supporting the Access Aids Care Charity with “Thanksgiving Delivered”.
Please see the message below from Access Aids Care and drop off items at The Clubfor donation for these families in need!

As a result of the stigma that unfortunately still surrounds HIV today, many of these patients are often not invited to join their families for the holidays. And 80% of our clients live below the poverty level, so without your help they would not be able to celebrate the holidays. As we get ready for another holiday season, we hope you will partner with us to provide our families with the necessary fixin's for their own Thanksgiving meal. Please take a glance at the below list to see if you can provide a full turkey basket or some of the fixin's, so we can give our clients the holiday celebration they deserve

Sippin' with the Dolphins - November 21,2010

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

***** NEW FLASH*****

The Birdneck Point Circle is proud to announce THE JANITORS will performing at their 2011 fundraiser!!!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Tell your friends to SAVE THE DATE

Good fun, food, and fellowship! Cash bar Raffle

7 PM - Friday, February 25, 2011


Kokoamos at The Yacht Club - Marina Shores
Tickets are $30

Dancing With The Stars Fundraiser Teams

Team #1
Captain Laura Jones
Maria Payne
Suzy Oleszko
Sally Noona- Obaidy
Cherie Tuite
Pat Pitrolo
Team #2
Captain Carol Noona
Bernadette Alcaraz
Brenda Knapp
Tammy Vermillion
Charlene Warren
Team #3
Captain Michelle Riggins
Janet Ogren
Jackie Larkin
Karla Williard
Debbie Albiston
Team #3
Captain Melissa Johnson
Betsy White
Megan Gawne
Sarah Pogue
Carolien Lauderbaugh

Debbie and Tammy are having a Jewelry Show!

Debbie and Tammy are having a Jewelry Show!

Please join us for a night of fun & shopping with the girls

Jewelry from LBC Jewelry Designs is all hand-made with one-of-a-kind designs ranging from a simple strand of pearls to funky pieces with dichroic glass pendants. Pieces are made with a variety of jade, jasper, onyx, quartz, citrine, carnelian, freshwater pearls, and Swarovski Crystals just to name a few.

Necklaces, bracelets, earrings, key chains, dog collars, eye glass holders, & fan pulls are all available. Come out & support a VA Beach artist!
Hostess: Debbie Albiston and Tammy Vermillion

Date : Tuesday, November 9th @ 7:00 p.m. RSVP: 437-2988

Location : 795 Oriole Dr., Virginia Beach 23451 (Birdneck Point)

SWAP & TRADE: Bring a gently used item of clothing and trade with someone and choose an awesome piece of jewelry to compliment your new apparel!!!!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Girl Scout Food Drive

The Obaidy Girls of TROOP 600 will be collecting FOOD DRIVE donations this week for the Annual Girl Scout Food Drive and there are several ways that members of the neighborhood can be a part:


· Donations can be left on the Obaidy/Noona front porch throughout the week MON-FRI, OCT 18-22 (1016 Bobolink Drive)

· Email us and we will come by and pick up your donations (

· ON SATURDAY, OCT 23rd, from 8am-11am, a big TUPPERWARE CONTAINER will be sitting at the Bobolink/Starling Court Triangle for food donations

The Drive ends on SATURDAY at 11am as we will turn in all collections at the Farm Fresh on Great Neck Road by 11:30am.

MANY Thanks from your local Girl Scouts on Bobolink Drive!

November Meeting

Our November meeting will be held on November 16th at the home of Melissa Johnson
6:30 Social
7:00 Meeting

Hostess Helpers are Janet, Megan & Michelle

Seton Youth Shelter's 16th Annual Fashion Show

16th Annual Holiday Fashion Show
to benefit Seton Youth Shelters!


Show & Luncheon,

held on Wednesday, November 17, 2010,

at the Princess Anne Country Club

Hosted by Barbara Ciara

Thank you!

A Special Thank You!

A Very Special Thank you to Michelle Riggins for being the 2011 Fundraising Chair and
Tammy Vermillion and Janet Ogren for volunteering to be the Co Chairs!

Annual Tea

The Virginia Beach City Union's Annual Tea is coming up in January

We would love to have all the Circle Sisters attend this year!

Cost is $20 (upgraded meal for $25)
it will be held at the Rennisance Room

Details and Date to come!

Santa Claus Shuffle

Saturday, December 11, 2010
In Olde Towne Portsmouth

1 Mile Fun Run / Walk or
5 k Race

Proceeds to benefit Tidewater Youth Services Foundation

Tidewater Youth Services Foundation

The Birdneck Point Circle would like to thank Jeannie Martin who came to our October Meeting and spoke about her wonderful organization.

Read more about what Tidewater Youth Services Foundation does at


To pay your Circle Dues by November 1st

Thursday, October 7, 2010

October Meeting

Our October Meeting will be held on October 19th at the Home of Tammy Vermillion

The Social will start at 6:30 and the Meeting will begin at 7:00.

The Hostess Helpers will be Betsy White, Brenda Knapp and Caroline Lauderbaugh!

Helping Hands Food Pantry

"Feed the hungry! Help those in trouble! Then your light will shine out from the darkness, and the darkness around you shall be as bright as day. And the Lord will guide you continually, and satisfy you with all good things, and keep you healthy too; and you will be like a well-watered garden, like an ever-flowing spring."

-Isaiah 58:10-11

I am collecting Non perishable food for the Helping Hands Food Pantry. This is an organization that feeds families from all over Hampton Roads. If you would like to contribute there is a collection box in my office! ~ Jackie


Memory Walk 2010

I will be Participating in the 2010 Memory Walk to benefit the Alzheimer's Association . The walk is Sunday 10/10/10 and I would love it if Some of my Circle Sisters would  join me!

The Walk is kicked off at Neptune Park and Registration begins at 9am
Love and Hugs!  Jackie

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The King's Daughters and Sons

Did you know that on January 13, 2011 the King's Daughters and Sons will celebrate
125 years of service in His Name!

The Order began on January 13th, 1886 in the New York City home of Margaret Bottome, a Methodist minister's wife. Margaret was well-known for her drawing room talks, Bible studies and prayer meetings. Dr. Edward Everett Hale, originator of the Lend-A-Hand movement, had planted the idea for a "sisterhood of service" before Mrs. Bottome invited several of her friends to an organizational meeting.

2nd Annual Dancing with the Stars

Mark your Calendars for the
2nd Annual Dancing with the Stars Fundraiser

It will be held on February 25th 2011 at the Kokomos.

October Meeting

Our October Meeting  will be held on October 19th at the Home of Tammy Vermillion
The Social will start at 6:30 and the Meeting will begin at 7:00.

The Hostess Helpers will be Betsy White, Brenda Knapp and Caroline Lauderbaugh!

Monday, September 20, 2010

JT Walk

The Birdneck Point Circle Sisters have been invited to join the Cavalier Golf & Yacht Club's JT Walk Team!
If you would like to walk with us or donate to the cause go to and look for the Cavalier Golf and Yacht Club's Team! The Team Captain is Jackie Larkin

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Next Meeting

Our Next Meeting of the Birdneck Point Circle will be September 21, 2010 at the home of Carol Noona. The Hostess helpers will be Sally, Janet and Jackie

Transitions Home for Hope

At the Birdneck Point's May Meeting we had a the honor of hosting guest speaker Suzie Hardy, the Founder of Transitions Home for Hope.

Pictured above is Maria Payne and Tammy Vermillion presenting Suzie Hardy with a donation from the Circle. We are very proud to be able to assist Transitions Home for Help in remodeling their home.

Summer Sizzle

or should we say WHO are you bringing?
AUGUST 21, 2010

Save the Date!
For the Circle of Birdneck Kings Daughters and Sons Summer Party and Membership Rush!
Details to come!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Thank you

Look for our Thank you ad in the Beacon for our 2010 fundraiser!

May Meeting

The Next Meeting of the Circle of Birdneck Point will be

May 18, 2010 at the home of Sarah Pogue.

Hostess Helpers are Maria, Michelle and Bernadette

Prayer of the Order

"Almighty God, Eternal Father, look with thy favor upon the King's Daughters and Sons and bless us for good in the land. Accept the hearty desires we bring to thee for thy service, and employ our ministrations in whatever duty we can be of greatest use. Make us everywhere true to the sign we wear, and to stand as thine handmaidens soldiers of old, by the cross of the Savior. By purity and honor and unselfish behavior may we keep ever true our allegiance to Jesus, and seek to labor not for self but for others."