Thursday, October 21, 2010

Tell your friends to SAVE THE DATE

Good fun, food, and fellowship! Cash bar Raffle

7 PM - Friday, February 25, 2011


Kokoamos at The Yacht Club - Marina Shores
Tickets are $30

Dancing With The Stars Fundraiser Teams

Team #1
Captain Laura Jones
Maria Payne
Suzy Oleszko
Sally Noona- Obaidy
Cherie Tuite
Pat Pitrolo
Team #2
Captain Carol Noona
Bernadette Alcaraz
Brenda Knapp
Tammy Vermillion
Charlene Warren
Team #3
Captain Michelle Riggins
Janet Ogren
Jackie Larkin
Karla Williard
Debbie Albiston
Team #3
Captain Melissa Johnson
Betsy White
Megan Gawne
Sarah Pogue
Carolien Lauderbaugh

Debbie and Tammy are having a Jewelry Show!

Debbie and Tammy are having a Jewelry Show!

Please join us for a night of fun & shopping with the girls

Jewelry from LBC Jewelry Designs is all hand-made with one-of-a-kind designs ranging from a simple strand of pearls to funky pieces with dichroic glass pendants. Pieces are made with a variety of jade, jasper, onyx, quartz, citrine, carnelian, freshwater pearls, and Swarovski Crystals just to name a few.

Necklaces, bracelets, earrings, key chains, dog collars, eye glass holders, & fan pulls are all available. Come out & support a VA Beach artist!
Hostess: Debbie Albiston and Tammy Vermillion

Date : Tuesday, November 9th @ 7:00 p.m. RSVP: 437-2988

Location : 795 Oriole Dr., Virginia Beach 23451 (Birdneck Point)

SWAP & TRADE: Bring a gently used item of clothing and trade with someone and choose an awesome piece of jewelry to compliment your new apparel!!!!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Girl Scout Food Drive

The Obaidy Girls of TROOP 600 will be collecting FOOD DRIVE donations this week for the Annual Girl Scout Food Drive and there are several ways that members of the neighborhood can be a part:


· Donations can be left on the Obaidy/Noona front porch throughout the week MON-FRI, OCT 18-22 (1016 Bobolink Drive)

· Email us and we will come by and pick up your donations (

· ON SATURDAY, OCT 23rd, from 8am-11am, a big TUPPERWARE CONTAINER will be sitting at the Bobolink/Starling Court Triangle for food donations

The Drive ends on SATURDAY at 11am as we will turn in all collections at the Farm Fresh on Great Neck Road by 11:30am.

MANY Thanks from your local Girl Scouts on Bobolink Drive!

November Meeting

Our November meeting will be held on November 16th at the home of Melissa Johnson
6:30 Social
7:00 Meeting

Hostess Helpers are Janet, Megan & Michelle

Seton Youth Shelter's 16th Annual Fashion Show

16th Annual Holiday Fashion Show
to benefit Seton Youth Shelters!


Show & Luncheon,

held on Wednesday, November 17, 2010,

at the Princess Anne Country Club

Hosted by Barbara Ciara

Thank you!

A Special Thank You!

A Very Special Thank you to Michelle Riggins for being the 2011 Fundraising Chair and
Tammy Vermillion and Janet Ogren for volunteering to be the Co Chairs!

Annual Tea

The Virginia Beach City Union's Annual Tea is coming up in January

We would love to have all the Circle Sisters attend this year!

Cost is $20 (upgraded meal for $25)
it will be held at the Rennisance Room

Details and Date to come!

Santa Claus Shuffle

Saturday, December 11, 2010
In Olde Towne Portsmouth

1 Mile Fun Run / Walk or
5 k Race

Proceeds to benefit Tidewater Youth Services Foundation

Tidewater Youth Services Foundation

The Birdneck Point Circle would like to thank Jeannie Martin who came to our October Meeting and spoke about her wonderful organization.

Read more about what Tidewater Youth Services Foundation does at


To pay your Circle Dues by November 1st

Thursday, October 7, 2010

October Meeting

Our October Meeting will be held on October 19th at the Home of Tammy Vermillion

The Social will start at 6:30 and the Meeting will begin at 7:00.

The Hostess Helpers will be Betsy White, Brenda Knapp and Caroline Lauderbaugh!

Helping Hands Food Pantry

"Feed the hungry! Help those in trouble! Then your light will shine out from the darkness, and the darkness around you shall be as bright as day. And the Lord will guide you continually, and satisfy you with all good things, and keep you healthy too; and you will be like a well-watered garden, like an ever-flowing spring."

-Isaiah 58:10-11

I am collecting Non perishable food for the Helping Hands Food Pantry. This is an organization that feeds families from all over Hampton Roads. If you would like to contribute there is a collection box in my office! ~ Jackie


Memory Walk 2010

I will be Participating in the 2010 Memory Walk to benefit the Alzheimer's Association . The walk is Sunday 10/10/10 and I would love it if Some of my Circle Sisters would  join me!

The Walk is kicked off at Neptune Park and Registration begins at 9am
Love and Hugs!  Jackie

Prayer of the Order

"Almighty God, Eternal Father, look with thy favor upon the King's Daughters and Sons and bless us for good in the land. Accept the hearty desires we bring to thee for thy service, and employ our ministrations in whatever duty we can be of greatest use. Make us everywhere true to the sign we wear, and to stand as thine handmaidens soldiers of old, by the cross of the Savior. By purity and honor and unselfish behavior may we keep ever true our allegiance to Jesus, and seek to labor not for self but for others."