Thursday, December 2, 2010

CHKD - How spreading the word can help save babies

Cast a vote, save the babies!

Help CHKD buy high-tech incubators for the region's most fragile newborns.

Please vote for CHKD three times a day until Dec. 31 in the Pepsi Refresh challenge. The organization with the most votes will win. Help CHKD help our community's children by voting, posting on your Facebook page, Twittering it, e-mailing it and asking all your friends to do the same.

Here's are the instructions:
Go to and register on the bottom left side of the page (you won’t get any junk mail from Pepsi unless you choose to opt in to their mailings). Once registered, you are ready to cast your vote to help the kids.
You can vote up to three times every day this month through the following methods:

Go to ( Search for CHKD. After voting for CHKD the first time, you can log in the next day and vote from your profile. No need to search for CHKD again.

Using your cell phone – text 104850 to Pepsi (73774).

Using Facebook, log in, search for “Pepsi Refresh Voting” (not Pepsi). Select “go to application” and then you’re ready to search/vote for CHKD. After you vote, you can “share this idea” to get others on Facebook involved.

Remember, you can vote by texting, Facebook and online on the same day. That's three votes per day.

The two organizations with the most votes at the $250,000 level win, so it is critical that we spread the word to all all our friends who care about children. Some ways that you can help include:

Encourage your children (ages 13 and over), spouse, sisters, brothers, parents, and neighbors to spread the word.

Forward this to your friends, relatives, or anyone else you know, around the country, and encourage them to vote three times each day.

Include this information in the PTA newsletter, church bulletin and the neighborhood e-mail blast.

Make this a collaborative project at work – send this email to all of your colleagues, post in the break room, and send them daily reminders to vote.

The sky is the limit! You can vote from anywhere, so invite your out-of-town friends and family to vote as well.

Thank you for your efforts to help secure $250,000 just by texting and voting online. Our entire team will be voting, and we need the community to rally around us as well to make this a success. You can make an incredible difference.

The link will take you to a flyer you can print and distribute. If you have any questions, please contact us at 757-668-7070. Thanks in advance for supporting CHKD and our efforts to keep our children healthy and happy. We can make a difference with your help.

The polls are open. Please vote and vote often.

Prayer of the Order

"Almighty God, Eternal Father, look with thy favor upon the King's Daughters and Sons and bless us for good in the land. Accept the hearty desires we bring to thee for thy service, and employ our ministrations in whatever duty we can be of greatest use. Make us everywhere true to the sign we wear, and to stand as thine handmaidens soldiers of old, by the cross of the Savior. By purity and honor and unselfish behavior may we keep ever true our allegiance to Jesus, and seek to labor not for self but for others."