Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Thursday, November 3, 2011

WANTED Spare change for a good cause!


Once again this year I will be a CHKD Change Bandit!  Watch out Circle Sisters I am coming for your Spare Change! 
Small change can make a big difference!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Transiton homes for hope.

Hello Circle Sisters: This coming Sunday, October 30th, from 2:00-4:00 p.m. there is going to be an Open House at the Transitions Home off Oceana Boulevard. This is a great opportunity to see first hand how we have contributed as a Circle to change the lives of women in need. I promise you will be amazed at the “hominess” of the home and the women who live there. It is truly a blessing! The home is just about 5 to 10 minutes from Birdneck Point and I would love if some of you could come and we could have a nice representation from our Circle. After all, we were detriment in making the home happen! Please email or call me if you are interested. We will have refreshments. Thanks ladies!!! Tammy

Friday, October 14, 2011

Annual Girl Scout Food Drive

Get ready for the Annual Girl Scout FOOD Drive OCT 16-22. In an effort to be “green” and safe, the GSC has decided NOT to send out paper reminders … Instead, we are connecting with you electronically! The Obaidy Girls of TROOP 600 (Amelie and Hanna)will be collecting FOOD DRIVE donations the week of OCT 16-22 for the Annual Girl Scout Food Drive and there are several ways that members of the neighborhood can be a part:


· Donations can be left on the Obaidy/Noona front porch throughout the week MON-FRI, OCT 16-22
· Email us and we will come by and pick up your donations in the early pm
· ON SATURDAY, OCT 22nd, from 8am-11am, a big TUPPERWARE CONTAINER will be sitting at the Bobolink/Starling Court Triangle for food donations

The Drive ends on SATURDAY at 11am as we will turn in all collections by 11:30am.

MANY Thanks from your local Girl Scouts on Bobolink Drive!

Friday, October 7, 2011

October Meeting

October Meeting
October 18th
Hostess : Debbie Albiston
Hostess Helpers: Janet Ogren, Holly Gatling & Maria Payne

Mark you Calendars - 2012 Dates

January 11 - Annual Tea
January 17 Meeting - Cavalier Golf & Yacht Club
February 21 Meeting - Melissa Johnson's Home
March 20 - Karla Williard's Home
April 17 - Carol Noona's Home
May 15- Brenda Knapp's Home

Annual Tea

Annual Circle Tea
January 11, 2012
Birdneck Circle will be the host this year 

Annual Convention

Frances Ashbury Church

The Annual Convention will be held on
November 12, 2011
at 10:00am-2:00pm
At the Frances Ashbury Church

The Birdneck Point Circle is providing the Centerpieces

Dues Reminder

If you did not pay your $50.00 dues at the September meeting, please put your dues in an envelope and drop it off at Melissa Johnson's mailbox by next Wednesday (12 October)

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

September Meeting

Our next meeting will be
September 20th
Social at 6:30
Meeting at 7:30

At the home of Brenda
Hostess helpers are Betsy, Suzy and Karla

Don't forget to bring  your due's check and your calendar.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

1961 T Bird Raffle

1961 T-Bird Raffle

Looking for a classic car? Purchase a $50 raffle ticket for your chance to win a fully restored garage- kept gorgeous 1961 red and white T-Bird, donated by the original and sole owner. The drawing will be held 10/1/2011 with proceeds benefitting CHKD's Child Abuse Program and Youth Challenge of Hampton Roads. A great gift for yourself or Father’s Day! For more information call the CHKD Development Office at (757) 668-7070.

CPK fundraiser for CHKD

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

New Officers Elected

New Officers Elected
President - Bernadette Alcaraz
Vice President - Megan Gawne
Secretary - Caroline Lauderbaugh
Treasuer -  Melissa Johnson
Historian - Sarah Pogue

May Meeting

The May Meeting will be held
May 17, 2011
at the Home of Sarah Pogue
Hostess helpers will be Brenda, Tammy and Maria

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

VBCU- Cashola Night

VBCU Cashola Night
March 29th
Chef's Table
10% of proceeds going to CHKD
50/50 Raffle

March Meeting

The Next Meeting will be held on March 15th at 6:30 at the home of Caroline Lasuderbaugh's

Monday, January 10, 2011

Support the PA Garden Club and First Landing State Park

CELEBRATE with The Princess Anne Garden Club

ON 1/11/11


starting at 5PM

Virginia Beach, Chesapeake, Norfolk, Williamsburg

Your dining pleasure will help

support the creation of 5 educational

exhibits at the new Trail center at

First Landing State Park

Tell your server “I’m here for the park

Thursday, January 6, 2011

January Meeting

January Circle Meeting
Tuesday January 19th
Home of Karla Williard
Hostess Helpers: Charlene, Suzy & Megan

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Virginia Beach City Union Tea

Virginia Beach City Union of the King's Daughters and Sons
The 43rd Annual Business Meeting and Tea
Was held Wednesday January 5, 2011 at 10a.m.
At the Renaissance Room in Virginia Beach
The VBCU once again hosted  a wonderful luncheon and meeting.   In attendance  from our Circle was Maria Payne, Tammy Vermillion, Charlene Warren, Suzy Oleszko, Jackie Larkin, Karla Williard, and Carol Noona.
 Our President Maria Payne and the other Circle Presidents gave great reports about Circle activities this past year, the VBCU installed its new Board and there was a guest speaker ,Chaplain Evelyn G. Keever from CHKD.  This was a great event that left everyone in attendance recharged!
Next year make sure you have it on your calendars.

Beautiful Center piece created by our Karla Williard

Prayer of the Order

"Almighty God, Eternal Father, look with thy favor upon the King's Daughters and Sons and bless us for good in the land. Accept the hearty desires we bring to thee for thy service, and employ our ministrations in whatever duty we can be of greatest use. Make us everywhere true to the sign we wear, and to stand as thine handmaidens soldiers of old, by the cross of the Savior. By purity and honor and unselfish behavior may we keep ever true our allegiance to Jesus, and seek to labor not for self but for others."