Thursday, June 9, 2011

1961 T Bird Raffle

1961 T-Bird Raffle

Looking for a classic car? Purchase a $50 raffle ticket for your chance to win a fully restored garage- kept gorgeous 1961 red and white T-Bird, donated by the original and sole owner. The drawing will be held 10/1/2011 with proceeds benefitting CHKD's Child Abuse Program and Youth Challenge of Hampton Roads. A great gift for yourself or Father’s Day! For more information call the CHKD Development Office at (757) 668-7070.

CPK fundraiser for CHKD

Prayer of the Order

"Almighty God, Eternal Father, look with thy favor upon the King's Daughters and Sons and bless us for good in the land. Accept the hearty desires we bring to thee for thy service, and employ our ministrations in whatever duty we can be of greatest use. Make us everywhere true to the sign we wear, and to stand as thine handmaidens soldiers of old, by the cross of the Savior. By purity and honor and unselfish behavior may we keep ever true our allegiance to Jesus, and seek to labor not for self but for others."