Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I Am Sam 5k Walk /Run

I am Sam 5k Walk/Run a fundraising event to benefit Samantha Trost, a local girl battling cancer, will be held at 10:30 a.m. Saturday November 1st at Mount Trashmore Park, shelter 1, 310 Edwin Drive. There is no cost to participate, but T-Shirts will be sold for $15. Call 481-4066

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Guest Speaker Susan Hellstrom

For those of you that were able to make it to the October Circle Meeting you had the pleasure of Meeting Susan Hellstrom from the Virginia Beach Free Clinic.
Today in the Virginian Pilot she was featured in an article.
Click below to read the article and more about the Clinic and the great work Susan does.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Snack Bar Jones!

The Birdneck Point Circle has SNAGGED the hottest band in VAB for our Big Fund Raising Party on May 1st!

Circle Holiday Party

Mark your calendars!
2008 Circle Holiday Party

December 5, 2008

at the Home of Charlene Warren

There is a sign up sheet for the menu.

Details to come!

November Circle Meeting

Save the Date!
November Circle Meeting

Where: Home of Melissa Johnson

When: November 18, 2008 6:45pm

Hostess Helpers: Betsy White, Jan Johnson and Cherie Tuite

Hope to see you there!

Salvation Army Stocking

At our October Meeting the Circle voted to participate again this year in the Salvation Army Stocking Programs.

Our Circle's Goal is to make 25 stocking this year.

The stockings will be picked up before the November Circle Meeting so please purchase your stocking stuffer contribution and bring it to the November Meeting.

Stocking are for children between the ages of 6 & 14.

Sample Items include
Key chains, Hair accessories, Small Calendars, Jump Ropes, Small books, Coloring books, Crayons, Memo pads, Water bottles, Card Games, Jacks, Stickers, Watches, Hygiene Products, Puzzles, Chalk, Socks, and Address Books.

Choose goodies for a Boy or a Girl.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Purple Cow Restaurant & CHKD

The Purple Cow and CHKD
981 Laskin Road (Same as 31st Street) Virginia Beach
Towne Place at Greenbrier (Behind Target & Best Buy) Chesapeake
233-PCOW (7269) Both Locations

  • MIRACLES & MEMORIES DISPLAY – You’re encouraged to bring pictures &/or stories to share & display. So many lives have been saved and bettered because of CHKD and there are countless stories as to why we are indebted to this great institution!
  • When you buy a glow in the dark CHKD bracelet (great for Halloween) or a paper balloon that will be displayed at the restaurant with your name on it, you’ll be entered into a drawing for some great prizes. ALL CONTRIBUTIONS GO TO CHKD.
  • The Mayor of Virginia Beach will be visiting The Purple Cow.
  • Friday – Artist Val Johnson, whose favorite subject matter is cows, will demonstrate her work in papier mache, paper models & felting. There will be an art project customers can participate in & a lot of fun for all.5:00 until 9:00. She will be donating a portion of her art sales to CHKD.
  • On Friday 10% of Purple Cow sales at Virginia Beach and Saturday 10% of sales at Chesapeake will be given to CHKD. BE SURE TO STOP BY AND SUPPORT THIS WONDERFUL HOSPITAL while enjoying delicious food and socializing with family and friends. (Try the She Crab Soup and see if you don’t think it’s some of the best you’ve ever tasted)
  • Nick Manning, a local student from Chesapeake, was chosen "Champion Across America" by Children’s Hospitals and he will be at The Purple Cow (Chesapeake) on Saturday at 6:00
  • The Mayor of Chesapeake will be at The Purple Cow (Chesapeake) Saturday at 11:30
  • 10/18/08 11:00am-2:00pm … Emergency Services Day: Towne Place At Greenbrier Will Host An Emergency Services Day, Dedicated To Promoting Family And Child Safety In The Community. The Event, Which Is Free And Open To The Public, Will Include Service Vehicles On Display, Demonstrations, Educational Activities And Games For The Entire Family To Enjoy.

Monday, October 13, 2008

VBCU 2008 Executive Board

Dear Circle Sisters:

For the last month I have been making phone calls to all of the circle presidents to see if anyone would be interested in filling any of the officer positions for the 2009 & 2010 Virginia Beach City Union Executive Board. We will need a whole new slate of officers consisting of president, vice president, treasurer and secretary. Currently, we have filled the position of the secretary and continue to seek volunteers to serve in the capacities of president, vice president, and treasurer. It is mid-October and the Nominating Committee is concerned about getting nominees for this board. We are required by our bylaws to present the slate of nominees at the November VBCU meeting (held Nov. 5th). The Virginia Beach City Union has to have an executive board. If you feel you would be able to volunteer for the 2009 & 2010 VBCU Executive Board, please give me a call as soon as possible. Babs Szycher, VBCU President, and Brenda Knapp, VBCU Treasurer, have worked very hard to organize everything so that it would be much easier for the new president and treasurer to take over. Below are the duties of the officers (it might be much easier to read if you print out this email). Please consider a two year commitment for being an officer on the VBCU 2009 & 2010 Executive Board. Thank you for lending a hand!


Michelle Riggins
Nominating Committee Chair


PRESIDENT – The president shall preside at all meetings of the Virginia Beach City Union, shall acquaint herself with the condition and progress of the Order; and, the assistance of the Executive Board and Virginia Beach City Union Board, shall devise any further plans for the development of the work of the City Union. She is a member, ex-officio, of all committees except the Nominating Committee. She shall: (1) prepare any recommendation from the Executive Board to the Virginia Beach City Union Board; (2) approve all expenditures over $100.00; (3) appoint chairmen of all standing and special committees except as provided herein; (4) appoint the Parliamentarian.

VICE-PRESIDENT – The Vice-President shall, in the absence of the president, assume the duties of the president and succeed to the office in the event the president becomes unable to serve. She shall: (1) act in all ways as an aide to the president; (2) be responsible to serve as chairperson of the Educational Scholarship Committee; (3) be the official agent of The Silver Cross magazine; and (4) be the chairman of the Annual Meeting and appoint a chairman for the Recognition of Service presentation.

TREASURER – The treasurer shall maintain the financial records of the Virginia Beach City Union. The treasurer will present the annual operating budget to the Virginia Beach City Union Board at the October meeting. In addition, the treasurer will present a written monthly report of receipts and disbursements to the Virginia Beach City Union and an annual report at the Annual Meeting of the Virginia Beach City Union. She shall see that the financial records are audited by an independent accounting firm or by two (2) Virginia Beach City Union members appointed by the president at the end of each fiscal year. The monies of the Virginia Beach City Union shall be deposited in the name of the Virginia Beach City Union of The King’s Daughters and Sons, Inc. All bills shall be paid by Virginia Beach City Union check signed by the treasurer or the president. The treasurer is responsible for collecting and/ or paying all Virginia Beach City Union, Virginia Branch and International dues by November 1.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Upcoming Events & stuff

It was wonderful to see everyone at the Fall Gathering! It was a blast ! Thank you Michelle for hosting such a great party!

I was just wondering if anyone from our Circle was attending the March of Dimes Signature Chef's Auction this Sunday?

The 2008 Ambassador Family is Circle Sister Wendy, David, Brynn and Zachary Earl.
If you are coming stop by the Cavalier's table our chef is competing & serving some AMAZING food.


I have heard there there are a few of us that are walking in & raising money for the JTwalk on October 19th . I am and I was just wondering who else was so I can be on the look out for you and say Hey. If you want to know more about this event you can go to website http://www.jtwalk.org/. ( I am walking on the team in Memory of Sean Lovas)

Just post a comment below and let me know if are attending either one of these two great events.

Have a blessed day and I hope to see you soon

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Save the date

Birdneck Point CHKD Circle's

Fall Gathering

Friday, October 3, 2008

At the home of Michelle Riggins

It's a Couples party so bring the boys!

There will be a Fun Silent Auction to raise funds for our Sunshine Fund & our Community Response Fund.

Consider inviting a friend to attend that you think would make a good addition to our circle.

This will be a great time to introduce them!

September 2008 Circle Meeting

September Circle Meeting

When : September 16, 2008 @ 6:45 PM

Where: The home of Michelle Riggins

Hostess Helpers: Tammy Vermillion, Brenda Knapp & Betsy White

Hope to see you there!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Welcome Circle Sister!

This site has been created for the Birdneck Point Circle Sisters! We hope it becomes a spot where we can stay connected on upcoming Circle events & with what is going on in each other's lives.
So don't be shy!

If you have some news share it with us!

Save this page to your favorites & check it often we will be doing updates regularly

Prayer of the Order

"Almighty God, Eternal Father, look with thy favor upon the King's Daughters and Sons and bless us for good in the land. Accept the hearty desires we bring to thee for thy service, and employ our ministrations in whatever duty we can be of greatest use. Make us everywhere true to the sign we wear, and to stand as thine handmaidens soldiers of old, by the cross of the Savior. By purity and honor and unselfish behavior may we keep ever true our allegiance to Jesus, and seek to labor not for self but for others."